I have had a lot of time on my paws lately and decided to start up the blog again, with Caesar's help. I think the last time I posted was, hmm...almost 14 years ago?! (In Canine time, that is.) So much has happened since... They decided to get another puppy. Everything was just fine and dandy, all ear-rubs and popsicle licks until the day when the Lady started behaving very strangely. She started smelling and looking very different to me, and I couldn't put a whisker on it. Oh, Caesar and I still got attention, but the outings became less frequent and now anytime the Humans came back from a trip there were lots of little packages and bags that didn't contain any treats for us! My ears started hanging lower than ever before. Why weren't we the center of Their universe anymore? Caesar and I took to consoling one another that it was just a juvenile phase They were going through.
Then one day there seemed to be a flurry of activity...the Lady was grunting and yelling at us to get away (I couldn't help but push my nose into her face to see what was going on!) and the Man finally took Her away to some sort of Human Institution (Thank goodness!) for behaving so badly. Caesar and I were lonely for a couple days, although the Man did come home to check on us apologetically and once he left a really cool little striped towel for us to sleep on. It smelled nice, almost yummy. Finally after a few days both Humans returned, and brought a big basket into the house, telling us that they brought home a new Puppy. (So that was it...the Lady was trying to hide the secret Puppy under her jacket for a few years until it started biting her!)
We sniffed and sniffed, it smelled great! Except, this Puppy was very different from us. It was naked and didn't really do much, even when we gave it a onceover licking. The ears were weird, too. Caesar thinks it is some sort of Chihuahua mix. So far we have been waiting for it to join us at our food bowls, romp in the grass, and take potty breaks out in the sandy backyard, but the Puppy seems to have some very different habits. For instance, the Humans rigged up some sort of contraption to catch all the poop and strap it on the poor Pup (Who knows why) and Caesar and I make quite the sport of it to try and catch a sniff every time they remove it. Hopefully soon they will take it off for good and we can give a proper butt-sniffing greeting.
More on the Puppy later. Wags,